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Graham Awards


Agents Do Charity - even in this great week of sport...

Wimbledon finals and the British Grand Prix await us this weekend and The Open begins a few days later, completing what is perhaps the greatest sporting week of the year.


Yet while famous heroes battle it out on the tennis courts, at Silverstone and at Royal Birkdale, there are other heroes from our own industry who deserve respect too.



Our thanks go to all those agents and others in the industry fund-raising for good causes. Those listed below have very sensibly contacted us at press@estateagenttoday.co.uk to ensure we can publicise their efforts - and we’re delighted to do so.




Chestertons Community Partners: Chestertons held its biggest-ever annual reception at the Royal Academy of Arts in London’s West End recently, attended by around 1,000 of the company’s clients and friends. 


After being welcomed by the 15-strong Icosa chamber choir, Chestertons’ guests had exclusive access to the RA galleries. Currently showing its 249th Summer Exhibition, the largest open-submission exhibition in the world, everyone had the opportunity to browse over 1,000 works from some of the biggest names in art, as well as emerging artists, and get some professional insight from a number of private tour guides. 


Also attending the event were several of Chestertons’ Community Partners, including:


- St Mungo’s, the company’s nominated charity for whom it raised over £20,000 last year;


- Dog’s Trust – Chestertons has been awarded ‘Affinity Partner’ status by the charity, in recognition of its support of Lets with Pets, a scheme aimed at encouraging more landlords to accept tenants with pets in their properties;


- Middlesex County Cricket Club – Chestertons confirmed its official partnership with the club in 2016; and


- London Welsh RFC – Chestertons is a proud supporter of community rugby at London Welsh.


Poplar Primary School: Andrews has been announced as ‘Partner of Choice’ at Poplar Primary School in Merton Park and will support the school in its events, including the Summer Fete, over the next five years.  

The relationship was given a notable launch with the unveiling of a new community scooter park at the school earlier this month and was quickly followed with members of the Andrews’ team supporting the school’s Summer Fete.


Andrews has committed £10,000 to Poplar Primary School over the coming five years and 

Chris Chapman, Managing Director at Andrews Estate Agents, says: “It is important for members of the Andrews’ team to become part of their local communities and this newly agreed relationship with Poplar Primary School is a great demonstration of that at work.”


Woodlesford Primary School: Manning Stainton has helped a local primary school raise much needed funds for its mini bus appeal.

Its Rothwell branch provided Woodlesford Primary School with a luxury hamper which was used as a raffle prize at its annual end-of-term fundraising summer fair. 

All proceeds from the fair and other activities organised by the Parents Teachers Association throughout the year will help fund the hire of two brand new mini buses. In total the school is hoping to raise £25,000 by the end of 2018 and has produced a colourful poster so pupils and parents can monitor progress.

Manning Stainton supported the school through its on-going Community Support Programme which helps groups and other worthwhile organisations in the communities in which it operates. 


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