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Rightmove was warned for years to improve relationship with agents

The leader of the Say No To Rightmove campaign has revealed to Estate Agent Today that he has lobbied the portal for almost a decade in a bid to win fairer fees and to improve the relationship with agents.

Rob Sargent - chief executive of the 36-branch Acorn Group of agencies covering parts of London and the south east - tells Chris Buckler that his long-standing lobbying of the portal has also tried to secure more sympathetic interaction between Rightmove and its member agents. 

He says in the video interview that in addition to the well-understood argument that Rightmove is seen as “over-leveraging” its use of estate agents’ listings by charging ever-higher fees, it’s failed in the long-term to recognise the risks that agents take by opening branches.


“Each new office, each new listing, is enhancing their share value … so it’s the balance, and I’d like to see greater innovation as well” he says.

So far the Say No To Rightmove campaign has over 1,750 agents who have signed up, representing over 3,300 offices.

Last week Sargent issued a campaign document suggesting that agents in the right position could quit Rightmove, join Zoopla and support OnTheMarket - a combination which would send the right messages to the portals and optimise the exposure and financial overheads of the agencies themselves, he suggested.

Chris Buckler’s interview teases out several new angles to the campaign, and you can see it exclusively below.

  • icon

    And yet many still cling to the hope that this company will negotiate with them. They won't.


    But what is going on with the interviewer's hair throughout the interview? Next time maybe avoid the fake background.

  • Hit Man

    Rightmove are of the opinion that if that agent hasn't left now they never will, lots of scaremongering going around where agents think they will lose business to other agents who will use RM against them to gain business. It's been proven by agents all over the country that this tactic just doesnt work and many are doing better since they come off RM by using OTM and Z.

  • icon
    • 22 June 2020 23:08 PM

    Let me assure all you nervous EA.

    If I am looking for a property I check out

    OTM z

    So providing you have listed on one of these portals I will locate your listings.
    Only a fool would just search RM.


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