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Paul Davies
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Paul Davies
Hi HIT Man, I'm not sure any of the admins are pro Rightmove. There are definitely some pro RM agents on there, but I'm not a believer in stifling debate. If you have to block or delete someone to win your argument, then you've lost it. On to the longer term vision, and it's a great point. The group initially formed out of pure frustration and allowing fed up agents to vent, but there are things that I've been advocating that may get missed in the sea of comments, and maybe I need to be more selective in the recycled comments that get put up. But there's a few aims and the first is the key one and these will be explored within the group as they develop: 1) Find another way that doesn't require the dependence on portals. Portals will have their place (until technology adapts) but we're looking at other ways of marketing and trying to have that discussion and explore those options. For example, studying the Aus market, all of the agents in Canberra got together, created their own local area app and ditched the portals. The buyers had to follow. Secondly, educating process; are agents blindly putting properties onto portals or following a process; ring out, own website, social media and then portal uploads. 2) Create a purchasing union for smaller independents. RM power comes from their size. An organisation that can represent several thousand agents would have a balanced power. In the early days of he group, I was utterly amazed that the Guild and NAEA don't do this for their members. Do remember that it is early days and that we are trying to explore options and keep our businesses afloat at the same time, so I realise the need to move as quickly as possible, but that's not always possible.

From: Paul Davies 24 April 2020 11:12 AM

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