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Richard Watkins
Richard Watkins
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Richard Watkins
I certainly echo what Jon Clarke has to say about the use of this technology for the property industry. I have been creating CGI property visualisations for the past 20 years and I see this method of viewing property becoming an industry standard over the next 2-3 years especially as the mobile phone manufacturers embrace this form of media and build the ability to view VR into the phone software as standard and as the 360 cameras become cheap and accessible. I agree that there will always be a need to see a good floor plans and property images as this is the quickest and simplest way to catch someones eye when trawling through a website, but the thing that this material cannot do is demonstrate a complete 360 real world scale viewing experience. We have been using this VR technique to help property developers and estate agents sell ‘new build’ and ‘off plan’ property for the last few years where it is physically impossible to see or access the site ( as it doesn’t exist or is in mid construction) and we have found it definitely speeds up the decision making process as the buyer get an instant immersive experience of the internal and external spaces of the property they are interested in. In fact I am a typical example of this type of customer as I recently purchased an off plan property and my decision on purchasing the property was made on the VR experience I made for my self of the plot I was interested in, as the developers were unable to provide any material good enough that demonstrated the size of the plot in relation to it’s surrounding buildings and I was 50/50 if I was going to purchase the property. By creating the VR experience I was able see the size of each room, the size of the gardens and also make a quick ’time of day study’ so I could see if the garden would get an adequate amount of sun as the plots on the site were all positioned very close together and I had concerns that our garden would be in shadow a lot of the day … which fortunately it wasn’t and it matched pretty much exactly what I created and experienced in the VR I made. If anybody would like to ask me any questions about VR I would be happy to answer them as I have a wealth of practical experience making this content …you can find us at… www.imaginar.co.uk …or contact me directly on info@imaginar.co.uk

From: Richard Watkins 02 June 2016 09:09 AM

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