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Paul House
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Paul House

From: Paul House 26 November 2015 10:18 AM

Paul House
“Part owned is not owned Paul and Zoopla don't compel me to advertise with them”…But nor am I compeled to advertise with OTM it’s a choice just is advertising with Z or RM. “I negotiate with them on my terms and since they came up I could play them off against Rightmove.” But for me this is an issue as you with your 10+ branches have better negotiating power than me as a one branch independent or a 3 branch company, also what if certain companies get preferential treatment?! I would personally prefer a more transparent pricing structure where we all know where we stand. “Now OTM has weakened Zoopla, a ludicrous strategy, I am dreading my Rightmove visit." It has only weakened Z’s ability to raise fees which is surely a good thing. In any case if RM are not concerned about OTM then why send out a survey asking numerous questions about OTM and hardly any of Z. “Equally Paul, if you are questioning why I would support Zoopla given they are part owned by competititors, notwithstanding my point of view, if you don't like that idea you must hate the fully owned OTM option.” No because I don’t share your view for the reasons already stated, I know exactly how much the other agents are paying whereas for all I know Countrywide, Connells or Choices could be on Zoopla for £5 per month per branch, if so well done to those companies but it's not really fair for the likes of me. I prefer transparency and a model that better serves my interests and those of my clients, currently OTM ticks far more boxes than Zoopla or RM ever will.

From: Paul House 08 August 2015 12:41 PM

Paul House

From: Paul House 19 July 2015 21:30 PM

MovePal MovePal MovePal