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Agency dinner rebrands to be ‘more inclusive’

A well-known industry dinner hosted by agency owners and consultants the Baldock brothers has rebranded.

Previously known as the EA Directors Club dinner, the monthly even has been remanded as the Estate Agency Dinner, with the next one scheduled for 18 July.

Matt Baldock said: “We started these dinners as a way to encourage collaboration between agents, and my feeling is that should include all estate and letting agents, not just the business owners.


“I also felt that the title ‘Directors Club’ sound a bit like an old boys club so we wanted to soften the title as the dinners are completely inclusive and anything but old and stuffy. Agency can only improve by us all getting on and helping each other so whether you are employed or self employed, you are more than welcome.”

Neil Baldock added: “Current attendees need not worry as our core values of no sales, no speeches and no suppliers will remain.”

The event is typically held on the third Thursday of the month at The Doubletree by Hilton, West End. Use of the bar and lounge area is available for pre dinner networking and meetings and rooms are available at the hotel subject to direct booking with the hotel.

Find out more: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-estate-agents-dinner-tickets-803938841717?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&aff=ebdsshios

  • icon

    'Remanded'! Says it all!! :D


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