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Decorating your office for Spring 2016?  If so, send us your pictures...

It’s a particularly busy spring season this year - we hope that’s because of plenty of business coming to your agency, but it’s also a hectic time for large-scale public events.

If you are doing anything in your office to mark this spring’s big events, we would love to have some photos which we could show on Estate Agent Today.

For example, have you decorated your office windows for Easter? If so, send in those egg and chicken-heavy snaps as soon as possible!


Perhaps you have a team member running the London Marathon on April 24 - we’d be delighted to help the fund-raising by publicising your cause, or if the office is decked out in support do send us some images and we’ll put those on our pages.

Or are you doing anything to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday? 

Her Majesty’s official birthday is soon - April 21 - while the formal events marking the past 90 years take place over four days in mid-May. If the bunting is out and your office has a tea party being arranged, send us the evidence please! (Feel free to send cake too, if you like…)

For all of these, just email us on press@estateagenttoday.co.uk as soon as you can.


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