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'Local Property Agents' wanted as onliner launches recruitment drive

eMoov, the online agency which last month secured an additional £9m funding from investors, has launched a recruitment drive for what it’s calling Local Property Agents. 

LPAs will be self-employed with on-target earnings of £50,000 according to eMoov’s website, which is also advertising a one-off post listed as Head of Local Property Agents with an OTE of £150,000-plus.

LPAs’ primary role is described on the advertisement as securing revenue for the company “through gaining property listings from customers looking to sell their home and ensuring that those listings are sold.”


It says successful candidates will be responsible for providing face to face valuations using a variety of skills “including your expert local knowledge, industry and market knowhow, and vast valuation experience, in order to gain the client’s instruction for a 12-month marketing contract for a transparent, fixed fee.”

However, the ad makes clear that viewing scheduling, negotiations and sales progression are conducted by the agency’s central team.

Other responsibilities include assisting the customer “by providing info on mortgage, conveyancing and other ancillary opportunities.”

Meanwhile responsibilities of the Head of Local Property Agents - in addition to building a team of “self starter, self employed winners” - will be to oversee and manage training, lead management, lead conversion, listings performance and assessing ancillary revenue generated by listings.

eMoov is the latest of a number of online and hybrid agencies to advertise for local property personnel.

In May YOPA, which has funding from Savills and earlier this year raised £15m in additional investment, advertised for ‘expert local estate agents’ and suggested they could earn £6,000 to £12,000 per month.

More recently in July, Purplebricks announced a drive to recruit “hundreds” of new Local Property Experts in its bid to become the biggest estate agent in the UK. The announcement wanted LPEs who “are experienced professionals who cover dedicated, local postcode areas and tend to earn significantly more than they did when an estate agent on the high street.”

Purplebricks’ advertising says its LPEs should “typically have five years’ estate agency experience”; one analysis of LPE income is around £42,000 per year on average, although some sources suggest earnings can be higher than this.

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    Emoov OTE £50,000 pa, YOPA £6-12,000 pm (£72,000-£144,000pa) & PB £42,000 pa.
    My boss just read this and upped my OTE to £200,000pa.
    Dream on.

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  • Andrew Stanton PROPTECH-PR A Consultancy for Proptech Founders

    I do not understand why people are investing in online agents? I did an article in 2017, showing the business model is flawed.

    Emoov ceased trading, leaving 5,000 vendors stranded, and LPE's without pay, and now son of Emoov has been resurrected a bit like the son of Frankenstein, a badly put together monster but on a smaller scale.


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