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Agents' Mutual releases more details of stock exchange float proposal

Agents’ Mutual has released more details of its float on the stock market, which begins on February 9 with a placing priced at 165p.

In a statement to the London Stock Exchange it says approximately £30m equity is to be raised through the placing of new ordinary shares, giving it an anticipated market capitalisation on admission to the market of circa £100m.

The £30m figure appears to be substantially less than the £50m suggested some months ago by Agents' Mutual spokespeople.


Agents' Mutual this morning said it will start dealing on the exchange’s Alternative Investment Market on February 9 and anticipates that agents will own over 70 per cent of the issued share capital.

Its statement to prospective investors says: “The key proposition of the business remains the creation of an agent-backed, full-scale property portal to disrupt what is otherwise a duopoly of Rightmove and Zoopla by offering a premier search experience to consumers whilst charging sustainably fair prices to agents.

“From Admission, the Directors believe the OnTheMarket portal will have over 5,500 branches representing around a third of the total UK residential property listings.

“Agents provide the majority of income for the property portals and also supply the majority of their most valuable content – the property listings. As a portal with significant agent support, the Directors believe OnTheMarket.com is uniquely positioned to create an alternative to the leading incumbent portals and to provide an opportunity for a broad base of agents to participate in the equity value of their own portal.”

Agents Mutual also this morning revealed its strategy for the float’s proceeds.

This includes increasing its market budget to £25m a year for two years to raise awareness of the OnTheMarket portal, and to “scale up” the company’s infrastructure - especially sales, CRM and technology.

It also aims to grow what it calls its “core base” of agents advertising on the portal, which requires “accelerating agent recruitment and broadening agent backing with the targeted use of equity incentivisation for key agents committing to support the portal with long term listing agreements.”

The statement to the City this morning was signed by Agents’ Mutual’s chairman Chris Bell, chief executive office Ian Springett, chief financial officer Clive Beattie, commercial director Helen Wheatley and a non-executive director, Ian Francis.

A ZPG spokesperson has told Estate Agent Today: "We welcome this news as it finally lifts the restrictive rule placed on agents for the past three years that has prevented them from being able to market their clients' properties freely and achieve the best outcome for them. We look forward to continuing to welcome back agents who want to benefit from the best value and most effective marketing, software and data solutions in the UK."

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  • Simon Shinerock

    Hmm I thought they were trying for a £250M valuation and a £50M raise...

  • icon

    And how will OTM attract more agents with the current management? Agents own 70%? What about management?
    Will they offer cheaper listing fees?

  • icon

    Doesn't sound enough money to take on the big 2. However, my perception of all this is why does a new entrant (Portal) think the general public need a new portal to look for properties. There are already RM, Zoopla & Primelocation. I was with OTM from Jan 2016 resigned my Bronze membership in May and left in June as my leads were non existent, went back to Zoopla result, leads that first day. That as an agent is what you are paying for. We all hate having to pay these Portals, which when you think about it is quite daft as we all have our own websites, and now with Facebook and Twitter opportunities are massive to spread the word about your listings. Just an observation.

  • icon

    My view is that it will all about maximum profile and this will allow OTM to do just that. Lets be honest Rightmove have had Agents by the Short and Curlies for far to long and this gives the one opportunity for the whole business to ensure greater competition-this leads to better service standards and hopefully more competitive pricing. I wish OTM all the luck in the world and if Agents would for once embrace something that will potentially help us all provide a better service and decrease our costs how on earth can this be a bad thing. Negativity comes form those with a vested interest elsewhere-or a special deal with RM that ,as we all know, exists at the expense of the smaller independent .I think this is great news.

  • icon

    They should be called OMG not OTM what a bunch of Muppets, who would invest when they have been going backwards for the past few years, and 25 mil on advertising what about year 2 ? and House seller , would you really rely on OTM to sell your property ? I doubt it, speak to anyone locked into OTM and they will tell you the applicant traffic is appalling, and that's not in the interest of your clients

  • Proper Estate Agent

    £30m is enough if well managed - they need new management for sure. However, we get about 60/40 Rightmove to OTM leads and the OTM leads are good quality when compared to Zoopla which the leads were a joke. "I want a 6 bed house in London for 100k, dont care where it is..."


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