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Labour’s housing energy efficiency plan to cost £60 billion

A Labour proposal to dramatically improve energy efficiency in almost every British home would cost an estimated £60 billion.

The upgrades would be free to low-income households over the next decade, while wealthier households would receive interest-free loans.

Loft insulation, enhanced double glazing and new heating systems would form the bulk of the improvements under the party’s Warm Homes for All scheme.


Some 450,000 jobs would be created to handle the installation of energy-saving measures and renewable and low-carbon technologies, the party says.

Shadow business secretary Rebecca Long Bailey says: “Labour will offer every household in the UK the chance to bring the future into their homes - upgrading the fabric of their homes with insulation and cutting edge heating systems - tackling both climate change and extortionate bills."

Labour also says that if it’s elected into government on December 12 all new-build homes will be zero-carbon within three years.

The party says this will save owners and tenants in the properties an average £200 a year in energy costs.

The zero-carbon status will be achieved through better energy efficiency standards and low carbon and renewable energy sources “and could mean all new homes are fitted with solar panels, super-efficient insulation and triple-glazed windows, and are not fitted with fossil fuel heating systems such as gas boilers as standard” says the party.

It claims that an original zero carbon homes standard, set out by the last Labour government, was due to come into force in 2016 but was scrapped by the Conservatives in 2015. 

“This means around a third of a million families are living in lower-spec new homes that would have been greener and cheaper to run, which could have cost some up to £600” it says.

“The Conservatives’ decision to cave in to property developers and slash green standards means we are building homes today that aren’t fit for the future – they’re bad for the environment and expensive to run” according to John Healey, Labour’s shadow housing secretary. 

“After nearly 10 years of the Conservatives outsourcing housing policy to commercial house builders, we need a Labour government that will set common-sense rules which save households money and cut emissions.”

And party leader Jeremy Corbyn adds: “Homes should be safe and warm for families and not damage the environment for future generations. But our housing currently contributes a massive 14 per cent of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions.

“We will tackle the housing and climate crises at the same time by building warm and energy efficient homes. At this election, the choice is clear – this is our last chance to take action to protect future generations or allow the Tories to accelerate our planet’s destruction.”

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  • Chris JaiBahadur

    I listened to Rebecca Long Bailey yesterday lay out what they are going to do if they get into power.
    Most properties around the country have now had retro cavity insulation and loft insulation upgrades. These were carried out by local council initiatives and grants have been available over the past 10 years so nothing new there. As for the solar and PV panels that was progressing nicely until the feed in tariffs were reduced and reduced. so are the Labour government going to reintroduce feed in tarrifs I wonder.
    Then came the boiler scrappage scheme. Be interested to see how long there initiative lasts if they win the election. which I very much doubt.

    • 04 November 2019 11:06 AM

    Well there won't be any LL doing this as they will have to sell up quick to avoid expropriation under the bonkers Labour RTB policy.

  • icon

    The question I would ask, is how much higher will the properties cost because of these changes. Saving £200 on energy, I expects adds at least this PA on the mortage interest for the additional cost.

    • 04 November 2019 12:36 PM

    It is simply not cost effective to pay upfront with real money for these alleged improvements.
    It could take 25 years to receive payback.
    Simply isn't worth doing for LL who if they have any sense will sell off their properties that cannot easily and cheaply achieve at least EPC C status.
    Let FTB buy those dud rental properties and they can pay for energy improvements.

  • icon

    This is all getting to sound like, "Free beer tomorrow night"!

    The only real great improvement in energy efficiency would be to make all new builds have very high efficiencies and that they are built so that that efficiency will last for a hundred years even if the building falls apart or floods. Sorry that was a silly extra but it is to make a point. Badly built buildings always have or will have problems. The ,"Low Cost", mantra is self defeating.


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