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All Change: new TA6 Property Information Form launches next week

The Law Society has announced that there will be a new TA6 Property Information Form launching next week, on Friday February 7.

The revised form will include updates on Japanese Knotweed and flood risk.

The new form comes just a few days after the latest update about a document which is intended to replace TA6 eventually - possibly some years from now.


That document has the working title of BASPI - Buying and Selling Property Information - and it’s the brainchild of a group of property professionals called the Home Buying and Selling Group. 

The HBSG consists of agents, property lawyers, mortgage lenders and trade bodies including the NAEA, ARLA, the Law Society and others, as well as PropTech firms including Rightmove, Zoopla and Reapit.

The HBSG has already been meeting for 18 months and is in turn putting its recommendations to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

However, in a statement to Estate Agent Today, the president of the Law Society of England and Wales - Simon Davis - says: “We are deeply committed to improving the conveyancing process for home buyers and sellers. While the proposed Buying and Selling Property Information has potential, we must first ensure it is an effective tool. The TA6 form will remain active. A new version, launching next week, will include important updates on Japanese knotweed and flood risk.”

Earlier this week Beth Rudolph, a participant in the HBSG, told a conveyancers’ conference: “We are going to pilot it [the BASPI] and are hoping to have 500 transactions through large estate agents to establish the impact on the chain … We have tried to produce something that can be done for free and encourage people to add more information.”

It is likely that when the BASPI is introduced, some of its content will accompany property details on major portals - thus allowing prospective purchasers a chance to view the content ahead of arranging a viewing.

At the same conference Simon Wilkinson, from the National Association of Estate Agents, told delegates that a separate pilot project of 200 transactions had been conducted with yet another property information questionnaire and point of sale protocol.

He claimed completion times had reduced from around 13 weeks to eight weeks.

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  • Rob Hailstone

    I believe the property information form Simon used was in fact an earlier version of the BASPI.

  • Andrew Stanton PROPTECH-PR A Consultancy for Proptech Founders

    A comprehensive property DNA pack is long overdue to front load a property, ensuring that from point of sale onward exchange can occur more quickly.

    With 18 weeks being the usual time frame for a sale, to get over the line, despite all the tech in the sector – something is not going right.

    Many in the property sector are scrambling for answers from Land registry and digital street and hackathons and shared perspectives.

    But as Taylor Wessing legal luminaries in the digital field, both in the adoption of tech and embracing proptech firms, stated yesterday, exchanges are governed by the slowest component in the chain.

    Solicitors are risk averse, so tech is a slow go for many legal firms, which means, great have more information on property as in the PIP initiative, but if you have a conveyancing practice who is not tech ready, then you are in for a long haul.

    Piecemeal solutions are helpful, but the antiquated property sector it is a bit like a poor relative of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The model is not good, so more and more data is fed in and bit by painful bit until the digital ‘brain’ recognises it must change its approach to achieve the required outcome.

    Luckily reform will not come from the legal sector, but from the younger generation coding their way to solutions which will set fire to the paper lead conveyancing industry. Things are moving extremely quickly in this sector and with blockchain looking a likely contender to resolve the antiquated system, by the time the TA6 property form is up for a new rendition it will most probably be AI composing the document in a digital format so instantaneous execution can be fulfilled.

  • Andrew Stanton PROPTECH-PR A Consultancy for Proptech Founders

    But it is not comprehensive enough, what is needed is a comprehensive property DNA pack. To front load a property, ensuring that from point of sale onward exchange can occur more quickly.

    With 18 weeks being the usual time frame for a sale, to get over the line, despite all the tech in the sector – something is not going right. Many in the property sector are scrambling for answers from Land registry and digital street and hackathons and shared perspectives.

    But as Taylor Wessing legal luminaries in the digital field, both in the adoption of tech and embracing proptech firms, stated yesterday, exchanges are governed by the slowest component in the chain.

    Solicitors are risk averse, so tech is a slow go for many legal firms, which means, great have more information on property as in the PIP initiative, but if you have a conveyancing practice who is not tech ready, then you are in for a long haul.

    Piecemeal solutions are helpful, but the antiquated property sector it is a bit like a poor relative of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The model is not good, so more and more data is fed in and bit by painful bit until the digital ‘brain’ recognises it must change its approach to achieve the required outcome.

    Luckily reform will not come from the legal sector, but from the younger generation coding their way to solutions which will set fire to the paper lead conveyancing industry.

    Things are moving extremely quickly in this sector and with blockchain looking a likely contender to resolve the antiquated system, by the time the TA6 property form is up for a new rendition it will most probably be AI composing the document in a digital format so instantaneous execution can be fulfilled.


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