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Happy Easter - this is what we’re doing tomorrow and Monday…

For many this coming Easter weekend will be the strangest ever - for agents and industry suppliers it will not be the start of the spring surge that so many anticipated, and for all our families it will not be a long weekend of good weather to enjoy.

However, Estate Agent Today and Letting Agent Today are going to be delivered to your inbox on both Good Friday and Easter Monday as usual - but the stories we cover will strike a more uplifting note.

On Good Friday - that's tomorrow - we’ll be running your photographs of where and how you work remotely during the lockdown. 


We’ve got some cracking unusual home offices to show you (one made from an aircraft wing - can you beat that?) and these will be accompanied by agents’ top tips on how best to work outside of the office in lockdown conditions.

On Easter Monday we’ll be returning to the fantastic good deeds being done by estate agents in their communities during the virus crisis: agents so typically get a bad press that this is an opportunity to remind ourselves how much great work is done by our industry at times of need.

Thank you again for continuing to read Letting Agent Today, Estate Agent Today and the other Today industry titles, and please remember to look across both EAT and LAT on Good Friday and Easter Monday - they will be featuring different activities by different agents, so they’re both well worth a watch.

And please rest assured that if any big industry news breaks over the long weekend, we’ll bring it to you in a Newsflash.

Have as eggs-cellant an Easter as the current restrictions allow…

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