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Mystery deepens over resignation of NAEA Propertymark president

Mystery over the unusual nature of the resignation of the NAEA President, announced last weekend, has deepened in the past 24 hours.

Kirsty Finney quit six months into her year in office; and for some of the initial six months she “took some time out” according to an NAEA response to an enquiry from Estate Agent Today over the weekend.

A message from the organisation to members, sent out by email on Saturday morning, said Finney had stood down but did not give a reason nor was it accompanied by the usual thanks for her work as president.


Following approaches from agents yesterday, Estate Agent Today yesterday asked NAEA Propertymark specifically:

- why no thanks were expressed in the resignation email;

- why Finney’s departure was not mentioned on the NAEA website; and

- what was the reason for her standing down.

The response from the NAEA, via its public relations representative, was simply: “All members were informed by way of the newsletter that went out on Saturday. It is inappropriate to make any further comment.”

The message that was sent by NAEA head office to association members on Saturday morning read: “Kirsty Finney will no longer be acting in the role of President of NAEA Propertymark. We are pleased that the current presidential team will be stepping up to ensure stability and a clear voice for members: Liana Loporto as President Elect, Stephen McCarron as Vice President supported by former presidents Lauren Scott and Katie Griffin.”

However, some NAEA members have told EAT that they did not receive this email on Saturday.

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  • Roger  Mellie

    The problem with this kind of job is that you need to give it more time than you'd otherwise like to. When we are all trying to keep the wheels on the bus, now is not a good time to be president. Viva El Presidente!!

  • icon

    Thankfully I am no longer a member of the NAEA but I felt in my dealings with them that there were serious issues right to the core and there was zero benefit to me being a member - I find TPOS are totally different. Kirsty you are lucky to be out now concentrate on your own business

  • Andrew Stanton PROPTECH-PR A Consultancy for Proptech Founders

    July 2020, David Cox Chief Executive of ARLA Propertymark resigns, then CEO Mark Hayward announces his retirement effective in December, then weeks later Christopher Hamer the Chair resigns, then within two months a new CEO Tim Balcon is in place with zero real estate knowledge, then Mark Hayward instead of leaving stays on under a new title to hold the new CEO's hand, and now Kirsty Finney the newly elected President has 'left' in clearly mysterious circumstances. This whole situation is making the membership very uncertain as to the value of paying subscriptions to an entity that resembles a circus act, rather than being the paragon of professionalism it always purports to be. Maybe Tim Balcon will make a statement and add clarity to the latest situation, he has been keen of late to extol the virtues of Propertymark, part of the job of being a CEO is to deal with difficult issues, and clearly an ever revolving door of personnel is one of them.

    Murray Lee

    Spot On Andrew, I do wonder what we pay the subs for. So few members of the public even query if we are members

  • Richard Rawlings

    Sorry - but what's the point of NAEA membership? Unlike the Propertymark's US counterpart, the NAR, the organisation seems to have become pretty toothless anyway, irrespective of its management confusion. Of hundreds of agencies for whom I have provided marketing copy based on the agency's specific attributes, not one has ever asked me to promote their membership of the NAEA.

    When I was an estate agent myself, the only reason I joined was to get the sticker for the window as some sort of "ABTA" style flag of implicit trustworthiness. But that doesn't work anymore, especially as Propertymark appears to have no interest in promoting the advantages (?) to the public of using a member agent. On-line reviews have replaced this function - and they're more reliable too as an indicator of user-experience. In fact, for a mediocre agency, NAEA membership is easier to acquire than good reviews so it could even be counter-productive!

    It would seem to me that The Guild of Property Professionals has replaced the NAEA in most aspects. It's innovations and member support are outstanding and much more akin to a professional association than to the commercial operation it is. If it were me, I know who's sticker I'd want on my website! Just saying!

  • icon

    Tim Balcon probably hasn't had enough time to get to grips with all these resignations. He doesn't have the "right" background for property matters and I would think he might give up the ghost within 12 months if things don't improve soon. Things will be a lot more serious at the coalface than what the public and members are being told. Just like mushrooms!


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