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Tricky listings! Estate agents reveal home selling horrors 

Agents have highlighted the main horrors they have come across when listing homes.

A Halloween-themed survey of 500 agents by industry media provider Giraffe360 found that while 3% claim they have seen signs of paranormal activity when visiting a property, the vast majority admit it’s actually damp and mould that ranks as the scariest thing they’ve seen. 

Damp and mould were the most common hair-raising issues – cited by 18% of respondents - when photographing a property for listings.


Signs of rats, mice or an insect infestations also ranked high, followed by subsidence or dangerous foundations. 

Asbestos was also described as a pretty scary property feature along with Japanese Knotweed and “suspect interior décor” such as 70s wallpaper. 

Overall, 86% of UK estate agents – unsurprisingly – said they would happily list a haunted house for sale, with a fifth also stating they would add a price premium when doing so. 

Just 11% stated they would reduce the asking price if a home was apparently haunted, with 69% sticking with the current market value. 

Mikus Opelts, chief executive of Giraffe360, said: “The nation’s estate agents have seen some scary things over the years and having survived the property market crash in 2008, it will take more than a few ghosts to put them off from selling a property. 

“In fact, it seems that there are far scarier things to worry about in today’s property market and these are the things that can remove real value from a home and even make it impossible to sell. 

“Damp and mould, rats or mice, asbestos, subsidence and Japanese Knotweed are the real horror stories for those looking to sell and it’s likely that many home sellers would prefer a little paranormal activity every day of the week.”

What are the scariest things you’ve seen when compiling photos for a property?
  Answer Respondents
  Damp and/or mould 18%
  Rats, mice or insect infestations 14%
  Subsidence or other dangerous foundational issues 13%
  Asbestos 11%
  Japanese Knotweed 10%
  Interior décor e.g. 70s wallpaper or pattern carpets 8%
  The current owners 8%
  Underwear left/drying in the open 7%
  Dirty laundry basket 5%
  Exterior style or colour of a house 3%
  Paranormal activity - Ghosts and ghouls 3%

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