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New CEO replaces Jerry Lyons at Content Club

Industry partner the Estate Agent Content Club (EACC) has announced a new chief executive, replacing high profile founder Jerry Lyons.

Amanda Bower has taken over as CEO - which the company has nick-named the Community Enjoyment Officer - with a mission to grow the EACC's membership, support members, and oversee most day-to-day operations.

Lyons says: "Amanda has been working with me for over three years and has repeatedly proven capable, talented, and hardworking. She started as a part-time virtual assistant scheduling our social media but has become a key part of our team. I'm confident she's the perfect person to lead the club into its next phase."


And Bower herself adds: "I want to focus on making our community even more engaging and enjoyable. It's about making sure our members are happy and that we continue to grow, both in terms of membership and the services we offer."

Lyons will still be involved, explaining: "The retirement to a sun-kissed island is a way off for now. I'm not going anywhere. My focus will shift to product development, thinking up new guides and prospecting letter packs, and expanding the Ethical Agent Network. I'm here to support Amanda and our members as needed."

The Ethical Agent Network, led by Lyons, has identified six pillars on which it has built its membership offer.

Classes – weekly training on a wide range of topics, including Google Review generation, responsible marketing, prospecting and building strong team cultures;

Content – weekly articles, videos and e-guides from the EA Content Club;

Collaboration – daily access to a forum where ideas, issues and leads are shared;

Community – quarterly campaigns that make it easier for agencies to support good causes;

Connections – bringing like-minded agents together and introducing them to industry partners who share their values - Lyons says “we don’t do kickbacks or commissions”; and

Care – providing agencies with tools to help them care for people, the planet and their profits.

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