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Agency executive: How I tackle imposter syndrome

A senior female Leaders Romans Group (LRG) executive has revealed how she combats imposter syndrome in the workplace.

Kim Lidbury, group director (Property Management) at LRG, said imposter syndrome has been a constant companion over the years, especially during pivotal moments of change and growth.

She said: “Looking back over my career, each time I pursued a promotion or professional appointment, I was plagued by self-doubt, questioning whether I was truly qualified or just lucky. The fear of being "found out" often overshadowed my excitement for new opportunities until I put in place some simple strategies for quashing it.


“This feeling was particularly intense when I became a mother. The transition brought immense joy, but also a surge of insecurity. I wondered if I could balance my career and motherhood, if I was doing enough in both roles, and if I was deserving of the accolades I received at work.”

Through each of these experiences, Lidbury said she has learned that imposter syndrome is a sign of growth, adding: “It means I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and challenging myself. While it’s a difficult journey, acknowledging and confronting these feelings has helped me build resilience and confidence.”

It comes as recent figures from the RICS reveal a significant lack of women at a senior level in the property industry: of the members who have achieved fellowship status, only 4% are women. 

Lidbury said: “To me, this figure was surprising as LRG is 63% female and there are several women around our boardroom table.

“LRG is working hard, with success, to redress this balance including a programme of events, resources, mentoring and roundtables as part under an initiative named EmpowerHER – and one of the recent roundtable was on the subject of imposter syndrome.”

Lidbury said the techniques for dealing with imposter syndrome are too many to list but recommended an article in the British Medical Journal.

She said: “My personal advice to anyone else who feels the weight of imposter syndrome is: know that you are not alone. Your achievements are not by chance, and your hard work speaks volumes. Embrace your journey, trust in your abilities, and remember that feeling like an imposter is often a sign that you are exactly where you need to be.”


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