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Call myths exposed by survey findings

In a survey with over 150 agents representing 345 branches, an AI-driven software platform has uncovered insights that dispel many common myths about prospecting calls.

The survey, carried out by Prospector Pro, highlights the challenges and frustrations agents and management face.

Its key findings were:
100% of agency owners and management teams believe prospecting should and could be better.
99% feel they lack the necessary insights to manage their teams effectively.
100% struggle to measure the quality of calls, highlighting a critical gap in performance metrics.
97% identify consistency in prospecting as a vital issue to get right.


Revealing the Truth Behind Prospecting Myths

From analysing more than 40,000 recorded prospecting calls through its software, Prospector Pro says it has dispelled several long-held beliefs.
Team Engagement: More calls are made when the entire team is engaged, rather than just an individual business development manager. The rationale is that one person gets tired of making calls, whereas several people do not.

Friday Calls: Contrary to popular belief, 98% of agents make fewer calls on Fridays, suggesting a prime opportunity for improvement.

Optimal Call Times: Most calls are made between 10:30 AM and 11:30 AM, but the most successful calls (those that lead to market appraisals or listings) occur between 9 AM and 11 AM.

Consistency is Key: Regular, short prospecting sessions yield better results than longer, less frequent ones.

Co-founder and former multi-branch agency owner John Paul said: “Prospector Pro provides agency teams with ready-made call lists, enabling them to triple their call volume. It encourages setting dedicated prospecting times free from distractions, making prospecting a leadership-led priority.

“Its platform also offers structured, bespoke training focused on objection handling, icebreakers, and essential questioning techniques, all aiding team performance. “Gamification and using the data intelligently further motivate and guide teams towards success.

“Analysing calls used to take hours, if not days, but now it can be done via our data and dashboard within minutes.

“We provide previously unavailable data that offers crucial insights into what works and what doesn’t for a respective agency, ensuring teams can focus on actions that drive results and win instructions and commissions.”


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